Oberlin academic calendar 2019
Oberlin academic calendar 2019

oberlin academic calendar 2019

It’s worth noting that this was the day after the election that put Donald Trump in the White House. What they saw was not a fracas caused by an attempt to prevent theft, but rather a racially charged incident where a white property owner was guilty of racial profiling. Who was in the wrong? In the eyes of many in the Oberlin community, Gibson’s was. When the police arrived, Gibson was on his back, being beaten by the three. Gibson ran after him but soon found himself under attack from that student and two of his friends. The student slapped the phone out of his hand and ran out of the store.

oberlin academic calendar 2019

In his effort to prevent the student/shoplifter from getting away with merchandise, Gibson said he was calling the police and took out his cell phone to photograph the student. When the student approached the counter to pay for one bottle, Allyn Gibson who was at the register noticed that he had hidden two more bottles under his coat. Gibson’s is a long-standing family business in the town, selling an array of food to residents and students, including wine. On November 9, 2016, a black Oberlin student entered a local store, Gibson’s Bakery. If they don’t rein in the political zealotry of their administrators, they might also face a suit like Oberlin’s. This ought to be a “teachable moment” for college and university leaders across the nation. The latter is what occurred at Oberlin College and the jury in the ensuing case has hit the school with over $44 million in compensatory and punitive damages. The most common instance has been hyper-aggressive Title IX actions where the accused student was presumed guilty and railroaded into suspension or expulsion and later successfully sued over the violation of his due process rights.Īnother way for college officials to get their schools into trouble is to engage in political conduct that is meant to inflict damage on guest speakers or people in the community. When college officials violate people’s rights, they run the risk of bringing on lawsuits that can cost their schools a lot of money.

Oberlin academic calendar 2019